
This is my first post with Svbtle. We’ll see how it goes.

I have several existing blogging platforms. I have a Tumblr – Sans Direction – which right now is a hodge-podge of things shared to it, namely Instagram and Fitocracy. I have four Blogger accounts – Sans Direction, where I talk about making music (and I rarely do that); /var/log/rant, where I talk about computing, programming and technology (which should be about the same thing, but aren’t so much anymore); Akbar Zeb, which used to house phone-cam shots I liked and pretty much squats on the name, which is the real name of a Pakistani diplomat and which, in Arabic, is pretty much “Biggus Dickus”; and Nonplussed Rants, which is a direct dump of my public-facing Google Plus posts.

In fact, I think I do most of my blogging with G+ these days.

I think my most-commonly-updated stuff, not fed by other things, is /var/log/rant, and in that context, I need to be able to be able to put code samples in.

for i in *pl ; do echo $i ; ./$i ; done

OK.. That looks doable.


Now read this

Programming == Not Knowing What You’re Doing

When programming, you’re developing a system. The more you repeat yourself, the more you’re not using a system. So, when you’re creating new code, you’re figuring out how to make a new system. That’s one thing when you’re using a system... Continue →